Though a military hero for the effort to defeat Nazi Germany, his two terms as President of the USA were marred by very short-sighted brutal decisions that caused disastrous repercussions.
During his term in office, he ordered the overthrow of democratically elected governments in Guatemala, Iran and supported the dictator Diem of S. Viet Nam when Diem called off mandated national elections. He supported dictatorships throughout Latin and South America that crushed human rights.
Guatemala, 1954, Yielding to the request of the United Fruit Company Eisenhower sent the CIA to overthrow the democratic government of Jacobo Arbenz and install a military junta led by Col. Carlos Castillo Armas.
The United Fruit Company, an American Company now renamed as Chiquita, complained that Arbenz's efforts at land reform, redistributing land to the peasants, was a threat to their business profits.
Arbenz wanted to help free the peasants from near slavery conditions of working for the few large land owners who controlled the vast majority of agricultural land. With the aid of the CIA, he was driven from office and the military took over. A small armed resistance to the dictatorship developed. The military junta and troops were trained, funded, and supplied by the USA.
The military junta waged a brutal war against it's own population until a cease fire and elections in the 1990's. At least 200,000 deaths were recorded during this period, mostly civilians.
The US continued to supply the military with equipment and training until late 1970s, when US President Carter cut off military assistance citing the Human Rights Commission report of continuing brutality of the military junta.
US President Reagan ordered the resumption of military training in 1981, thus continuing the violent military murder of the civilians.
Bishop Juan Gerardi was murdered on April 23, 1998 for releasing an independent study that found that the military was responsible for 80% of the deaths and "disappearances" during the military's war on the Guatemalan people.
A second independent study of the war, released in February of 1999, has also found the USA guilty of training the military and supporting the economic system that repressed the citizens. The second report, authored by the Historical Clarification Commission, has the USA and Guatemalan military responsible for over 90% of the deaths and guilty of genocide against the Mayan people of Guatemala.
Iran, 1953, Eisenhower bowed to Oil company interests and had the CIA overthrow the parliamentary government of Iran. Iran had sought to regain control of its own oil fields from British and other foreign companies, who were operating, and profiting from the oil.
Eisenhower installed the former King, the Shah of Iran, as head of the government and had the CIA train a special police force, the SAVAK, that would terrorize the populace into submission. An estimated 100,000 Iranians were tortured, killed and forced into exile by the SAVAK. (That's more casualties than 1 World Trade Towers attack a year for 26 years) Iran during this period had one of the worst human rights records in the world.
This continued until 1979 when a revolution overthrew the Shah. Iranians shouting, "Death to the Shah" and "Death to the CIA", stormed the US embassy to get names of CIA operatives and SAVAK members- and to thwart a perceived threat that the USA would launch air strikes on the capital city Tehran.
The Ayatollah Khomeini, an Islamic fundamentalist cleric, took over the government, calling the USA, "the Great Satan, the great hypocrite" for the atrocities the USA had done in Iran.
The USA had to try and destabilize the Iranian revolution that the USA was responsible for creating. President Reagan turned to Iraq and Saddam Hussein and gave military equipment and chemical weapon support to Saddam.
Saddam, through the encouragement of Reagan and European investors, created a war with Iran over shipping access rights in a bay that bordered both Iran and Iraq.
The Great Hypocrite, Ron Reagan. The Great cocaine trafficking Ron Reagan. Reagan-Bush Sr. committed Treason.
Reagan's big economic fraud his, 'trickle down' theory of giving tax breaks and privilege to the wealthy and corporations that it will 'trickle down' and benefit everyone was a fraud. Reagan's own economic advisor, David Stockman, admitted that Reagan economics was a deception, all 'smoke and mirrors.' Reagan left the American economy reeling in debt. To pay for tax breaks for the wealthy, Reagan-Republicans passed taxation on Social Security income.
Reagan gave military support to Saddam Hussein of Iraq. Not only military equipment but also, as stated in The New York Times of August 18, 2002 by former US military personal, Reagan allowed US military to direct logistics and targeting for the Iraqis during the Iran-Iraq War. Even though Reagan knew that the Iraqis were using chemical warfare in their attacks. It is illegal for the US to assist the use of or directly use chemical weapons.
Reagan allowed Iraq to import bacterial cultures that assist biological weapons. In 1982, tanks were covertly shipped to Saddam, as well as helicopters, and "bacteria/fungi/protozoa" cultures that could be used to make biological weapons. This is reported in Newsweek magazine, Sept. 2002.
For information on the roots of the USA destruction of Iran and Iraq go to President Eisenhower.
In 1979-1980, Nicaraguan civilians overthrew the US supported dictatorship of the Samoza family in Nicaragua. In Iran, Iranian citizens overthrew the US supported dictatorship of the Shah of Iran.
Barbra Honneger, a former Reagan aide, says that the Reagan campaign for president interfered with the attempts of then President Jimmy Carter to get the American hostages taken by the Iranian revolutionaries released. Ms. Honneger, Gary Sick (at the time a aide to President Carter), and Iranian businessman Mansur Farhang say that meetings took place where Iranian officials met with Reagan campaign officials Mr. Allen and former CIA chief and Vice President candidate George Bush senior.
Mr. Allen and Bush passed millions of dollars in payment to the Iranians to delay the release of the hostages until after the US Presidential election. An early release of the hostages, an "October surprise", as it was called would probably defeat Reagan. Mr. Allen and George Bush also promised that the US under Reagan would send military equipment to Iran which they needed in their war with Iraq. So Arms shipments to Iran, forbidden by US laws began as early as 1981. The American hostages were released within minutes of Reagan's inauguration as President.
Iran-Contra - Reagan created, against Constitutional Laws of the USA, a secret military government that ran it's own foreign policy contrary to laws of the elected U.S. government. This secret government sold weapons to Iran. Dealt with illegal drug traffickers (such as Manuel Noriega of Panama) for airplane landing access to unload illegal shipments of weapons destined to former members of the death squads of deposed Nicaraguan dictator Samoza.
Cocaine drug trafficking was allowed into the USA to give added revenue to the former death squad members, now called the Contra forces and as payment for the pilots making the deliveries. "The contra-connected drug pipeline clearly pumped tons of cocaine into the United States during the early -to -mid 1980s...U.S. law enforcement agencies were aware of links between a U.S. religious organization and two Nicaraguan counter-revolutionary groups which involve an exchange in the United States of narcotics for arms." (The name of the religious group remains secret).
George Morales was under indictment for drug smuggling when members of the Reagan secret government approached him to organize a smuggling operation of weapon shipments to Costa Rica. Morales says that his contacts were Reagan staff member, Elliot Abrams and then Vice President George Bush.
Gary Betzner was one of Morales pilots. Betzner says he flew shipments of illegal arms to the Costa Rican Ranch of CIA operative John Hull. They unloaded the arms and loaded on to the plane 500 kilograms of cocaine which Betzner then flew back to the USA. 40 kilos of which would be his payment for each flight.
Reagan's organization operated their own finances from secret accounts in Swiss banks and lied to Congress about the existence of the operation. The money and guns allowed the mercenary "army" to kill thousands of Nicaraguans and destabilize the organization of government. The Nicaraguans had just overthrown the repressive rule of the US supported dictator Samoza.
What was the plan if the US public found out about the operation? Oliver North was a major member of the secret operation. He and members of his group planned to suspend the US Constitution, establish martial law and round up "anti-government" dissidents when the Reagan government unleashed its planned direct military strike into Latin America code named "Night Train".
When the existence of the secret government was uncovered, which could lead to Reagan and Bush being impeached from office, Reagan's Attorney General, Ed Meese, informed a key organizer of the operation, Oliver North, that North had 3 days before the government would come to take North's records of the operation.
North and secretary Fawn Hall spent the 3 days shredding documents to hide the extent of the covert actions. Before Congress and under oath to tell the truth, North lied about the drug running operations, didn't answer about the suspension of the Constitution, and would say that Reagan was not informed of the operation.
Then after Reagan had left office, North would say "Reagan knew" about the treason of the secret government. Fawn Hall would undergo cocaine addiction treatment and say later that "Oliver North used me like tissue paper".
Arms and drug runners, Morales, Betzner and Manuel Noriega were silenced by arresting them for drug smuggling. Noriega was head of the government of Panama when President Bush senior conducted an illegal US military invasion of Panama and abducted Noriega to the USA, where he resides in Federal Prison. Noriega said he was paid millions by the USA for the smuggling operation, the CIA admitted to $300,000.
World Court - Reagan refused to obey a decision of the World Court that his setting of explosive mines in the harbors in Nicaragua was illegal.
Reagan restricted the Freedom of Information Act that allowed American citizens to have access to governmental files. He imposed severe censorship on the news media during military operations. These restrictions would stop American citizens from knowing the confusion of Reagan's Grenada invasion.
Reagan's successor George Bush would leave the censorship in place to hide the realities of "Gulf War"events.
Apartheid S. Africa - The Reagan Republican party took millions of dollars from foreign governments and private corporations to defeat anti-business political candidates. Senator Clark of Iowa, was defeated with the aid of money from the racist Apartheid government of S. Africa. Senator Clark had engineered and passed the Clark Amendment in Congress that kept the CIA out of the war in Angola Africa. The Apartheid government wanted CIA money and equipment to interfere in the civil war going on there. When an international boycott of the brutal Apartheid government was organized, Reagan said the US would not take part as it would "hurt the economy of the US" . The USA, with the aid of Israel, was sending military equipment to the Apartheid government.
El Salvador - Reagan and George Bush administrations authorized the sending of military equipment and training to death squads in El Salvador. Over the years of funding the El Salvadoran right wing government, enough money had been sent to the government to give every citizen of El Salvador over a million dollars. The money went to bribes, graft, and weapons.
What is the legacy of this foreign policy? El Salvador and Nicaragua continue as impoverished countries were 80% or more of the money and land is owned by the wealthiest 10% or less of the people. Health care, public education are predominately for the rich, with a majority of the population suffering in poverty.
Guatemala - In 1981, he restarted military shipments to the despotic military junta in Guatemala. The previous President, Jimmy Carter, had stopped shipments to protest the juntas murderous civil war it had unleashed on the Guatemalan people. In a Truth Commission report released in February 1999, " The USA gave money and training to a Guatemalan military that committed acts of genocide against the country's Mayan people."
Reagan did not cause the Soviet Union to collapse in 1989 as his defenders try to assert. 40 years of an insane "Cold War" nuclear weapons and military spending frenzy collapsed a weak Russian economy. Legacy of the Cold War? 60,000 nuclear weapons exist. Weapons that are 800 times as powerful as the atomic bombs used against Japan in 1945.
Not since Nixon's impeachment presidency had so many top level government officials had to resign or were convicted of various criminal charges as during the Reagan term - over 100 people.
James Watt, Interior department head, resigned under investigation that he had sold US mineral mining rights to contributors to Reagan election campaign for pennies on the dollar of value.
Nixon's Attorney General John Mitchell's - (Mitchell had been convicted in the Nixon era) - granddaughter has been convicted, as assistant in Reagan's Housing Urban Development department, of selling Federally mandated low income housing to Reagan contributors. The housing was supposed to be for the poor, but the buyers not only got the properties cheap, they turned the properties over and sold them for big profit to rich land developers.
Nixon, Reagan,George Bush senior, and now Bush jr. all were impeachment candidates.
The Republican Party is the party of large corporate interests and rich Americans. The Republican party votes against environmental safety and clean up. They vote against legislation for the assistance of the poor, veterans, the elderly, openness in government dealings, and national health care.
It is the political party of business profit before human needs. The legacy of which is: the environmental disaster unfolding on the whole planet, illegal wars, torture, destruction of constitutional civil liberties, and religious based repression.
Look at how Republicans vote and not what they say in their political propaganda and you will see – Republicans are against you.
In 1950's, Nixon was a participant in Joe McCarthy's "red scare" House of Representatives UN-American Activities committee formed in the US Congress. The committee violated US citizens' freedom of speech, and freedom of association in a paranoid justification that supporting communism suspended ones rights under the US Constitution.
Nixon committed Treason. In 1968, before being elected President, Nixon with the help of Henry Kissinger, sabotaged the peace efforts of President Johnson and Vice- President Humphrey, by promising to South Vietnamese puppet dictator Nguyen Van Thieu, that the Republicans could get Thieu a better deal. The peace initiative collapsed, Nixon was elected. He stretched out the war four more years, 20,000 American dead, and unknown how many Vietnamese dead. The final peace accords signed were almost identical to the 1968 arrangement offered by Johnson - Humphrey.
As USA President during the Vietnam War, Nixon authorized an illegal bombing campaign in Cambodia and then invaded Cambodia.
In 1973, he ordered the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende in Chile and installed the military junta of General Pinochet. Pinochet unleashed US supported death squads that killed and tortured thousands of Chileans.
Nixon engaged in organizing break-ins of political enemies, the Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate building, Washington, D.C., and Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office.
Ellsberg had just released to the press the "Pentagon Papers" a study done by the US military that found that the war in Vietnam was unwinnable and illegal. Nixon wanted to keep this report from the American public. To try and discredit Ellsberg, Nixon ordered Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office to be burglarized to try and find damaging files on Ellsberg.
Just like a later Republican criminal Trump, Nixon refused to respond to subpoenas sent to him by Congress. He fired the independent council that was looking into the Watergate break-in. He organized a million dollar fund to try and buy the silence of the men caught in the Watergate break-in.
Because of the Watergate break in, most of Nixon's staff had to quit or were convicted on various criminal charges. Haldeman, Erhlichman, Colson, even the Attorney General John Mitchell were convicted. The numbers of top level government figures forced out due to criminal indictments wouldn't be matched until another Republican impeachment candidate, Ron Reagan.
The Vice President, Spiro Agnew had to resign in disgrace months before as he was convicted on criminal charges stemming from his time in state government.
By the articles of US Constitution requirements of Treason, Bribery, and High crimes, Nixon was impeached but he resigned the Presidency before a trial and judgment by the Senate could be convened.
US President Gerald Ford was not voted into office, rather by means of questionable constitutionality, Ford was picked by the criminal Nixon as the next President. The Constitutional process choice - the Vice President, Spiro Agnew, had been forced to resign months earlier due to criminal charges stemming from his time in state government.
After Nixon resigned the presidency, Ford granted a full pardon to Nixon that stopped further legal process against Nixon. Ford's pardon stopped the establishment of a legal precedent to challenge and convict a president.
Such a precedent, with impeachment, conviction and jail time for Nixon would have set the full legal consequence to presidential abuse of power. This precedent would have then allowed the trial and conviction and jail time for subsequent Republican presidential criminals - cocaine trafficking Reagan, illegal invasion of Panama Bush Sr. and war criminals Bush-Cheney's breaking of the Geneva Accords, breaking of the international treaty against torture, and the illegal invasion of Iraq.
In open democratic elections, the Chilean people elected the Marxist candidate Salvador Allende. This was intolerable for the communist paranoid USA President Richard Nixon. Nixon ordered the CIA to interfere in the Chilean political decision and overthrow Allende.
On September 11, 1973, the Chilean military, supported by the CIA, did overthrow the Allende government. General Pinochet took control and went about torturing and murdering former supporters of Allende. Then anyone opposed to military rule, then anyone suspected of opposing military rule. Thousands were murdered and tortured. Pinochet revoked political and personal freedoms and ruled by violent persecution of the people.
To save himself from legal retribution for the atrocities he is responsible for, he appointed himself Senator for life in the legislator of Chile. He was arrested in England for the murders of Spanish citizens who had been living in Chile during his dictatorship. He was saved from prosecution by collusion from cronies in the Chilean government using the excuse that he was suffering from ill health and should not stand trial. What about the health of those he was responsible for torturing?
Reagan's Vice President, George Bush Sr. was elected President after Reagan. Though Bush said he was, "out of the loop" on the Iran-contra lies, as noted above, Bush, a former head of the CIA, was part of the organization that was involved in the impeachable offenses of the Reagan era. Bush's history extends back into the Vietnam era with the drug running that was part of the secret war in Laos.
After Reagan was out of office, Bush had to clean up a "Frankenstein monster" that the US had created in the operation of the illegal Iran-contra affair. Manuel Noriega was one of a number of Latin Americans who had been trained at a notorious camp, the School of the Americas that was part of Fort Benning, Georgia. Many of the students of this camp would go on to be assassins and dictators throughout Latin America.
Manuel Noriega, in a military coup, took over Panama. He was a paid assistant to the US CIA. In court documents, the CIA admitted to paying Noriega $300,000. Noriega said it was millions. The CIA admitted that it knew Noriega was involved with drug running cocaine into the US via the Columbian drug cartels.
As part of Reagan and Bush's 1980s Iran-contra activity, illegal weapons shipments had Noriega's consent to be sent through Panama. The illegal weapons were going to former members of the Samoza dictatorship in Nicaragua that the US was supporting. In exchange, thousands of kilos of cocaine from the Colombian cartel were allowed to arrive in Panama and be put on the planes flying back to the US. Noriega got his cut from being the middle man of the activity.
Once the Iran-contra affair was exposed and Reagan and Bush on the brink of impeachment, Noriega was a liability. Reagan managed to avoid direct implication in the operation until he was out of office, when Oliver North, Reagan's main operator of the Iran-contra effort, would admit that, "Reagan knew", of the illegal and impeachable crimes that were involved.
Now with Bush as President, it was Bush who had to silence the Frankenstein monster that the US had created. Bush made up an excuse and sent in the US military to overthrow the government of Panama. This was, as was Reagan's putting explosive mines in Nicaraguan harbors during the Iran-contra activity, a violation of international law - A leader of a foreign government, Noriega, was captured and kidnapped. Taken back to the US, he was tried for drug trafficking. He was convicted and is in an American prison.
In international law, this was a head of a foreign government being kidnapped and imprisoned in another countries jail. It is an act of war. In reverse, if a US President was kidnapped, taken to another country and convicted by the court of that country and put in that country’s jail, it would be an act of war not a judicial proceeding.
This is another example that runs through these pages of the USA creating dictators and supporting their brutal destruction of human rights for as long as expedient.
George Bush Sr. also has a brutal legacy to cover up in the civil war that happened in El Salvador during his presidency. The US supported repressive governments in Nicaragua and El Salvador. When they were overthrown and civil war ravaged the country, the USA supported the forces of the dictator and the rich land owners over the forces that wanted freedom from such despots. Once the civil wars were crushed by US interference, the US abandoned both countries. Nicaragua and El Salvador continue as impoverished countries of violence, drug cartels and domination of the wealthy minority.
POPE PIUS Xll, Italy, Pope throughout World War 2
The Catholic Church was founded on and preached anti-Jewish propaganda. Throughout the millennium, the Catholic Church has a history of allowing violent persecution of the Jewish population. The justification is that the Jews were responsible for killing a Jewish preacher, Jesus. A preacher that the Catholic Church would be founded upon. It is not difficult to understand the demonic stance taken by Pope Pius which coincided with the rule of Hitler in Germany.
Even though there was accurate, and ample evidence of the vast murder machine that Hitler was undertaking at death camps throughout Germany, Pope Pius never criticized Hitler. Rather Pius was an active Jew hater. He made agreements with Hitler about the "Jewish problem", and in return Hitler left the Catholic Church alone.
While an estimated 6 million people, not just Jews, but also other minority populations, artists, and political dissenters to Nazism were being systematically murdered, Pope Pius made no effort to condemn Hitler or aid those who were being prosecuted by the Nazis.
There is an effort underway to have Pope Pius Xll canonized (made a Saint of the Catholic Church).
J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI
Here is one convoluted psycho that fits most of the 20th Century attitudes of too many of those in American government. Hoover was a rabid racist and involved in the murder plots put together by the FBI and police to kill Civil Rights activists.
Then as a strange twist, he was at least a transvestite and probably in a homosexual relationship with his life long partner, Clyde Tolson. Hoover and Tolson, took trips together, ate lunch together everyday for 40 years, and Tolson inherited most of Hoover's estate. Of course, this was at a time when being openly gay would have at least cost anyone their job and suffer from intense public harassment, especially the head of the FBI.
Hoover sought ways to kill Martin Luther King jr. and Malcolm X and other African-Americans seeking their constitutional rights. Hoover did have a part in killing Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. The Chicago Police shot their way into Hampton's apartment and murdered the two men and severely injured several others.
Summer of 1972, Chicago police and Cook County's State Attorney Hanrahan and his men, were indicted by a special state grand jury for obstruction of justice in the Hampton and Clark killings, but they went on trial before a Richard Daley Democratic machine judge, Philip Romiti.
Romiti absolved Hanrahan and police. No police officer involved was arrested or jailed.
"The FBI, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office and the Chicago police had conspired to assassinate Fred Hampton. FBI memos and reports obtained by historian and writer Aaron Leonard now show that senior FBI officials played key roles in planning the raid and the subsequent cover-up. “It was approved at the highest level,” says attorney Jeff Haas. "(2023)
"to uncover the truth about the raid, we had been able to document the local FBI’s central role in setting up the raid as part of the Bureau’s secret and highly illegal COINTELPRO Program. This program had previously targeted Black liberation leaders including Malcom X, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, Elijah Muhammad and the organizations that they led.
As the Senate Select Committee would later find in its April 1976 report, the FBI had more recently turned its attention to “destroy[ing] the Black Panther Party.” (2023)
It has been alleged that Hoover for years did not investigate the criminal enterprise - the Mafia - because the Mafia had photographic evidence of Hoover's homosexual romps in drag and maybe even photos of him engaged in homosexual sex.
Hoover's name should be removed from the FBI building in Washington D.C. for his involvement in murder.
Right Wing Christianity, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh
Christians for over 1,000 years brutalized Jews. Protestant and Catholic, everywhere Christianity went antisemitism was included. 2023 - it seems
for right wing Christianity the new 'Jew' object of repression are gays.
The lunacy of their own words explains their inclusion on this list.
After the September 11th attacks, Jerry Falwell said: "The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America, I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.' "
To which Mr Robertson said: "I totally concur, and the problem is we have adopted that agenda at the highest levels of our government."
Pat Robertson stated: “The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.”
Pat Robertson gets gold deal with dictator Charles Taylor of Liberia.
Robertson supported dictator Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire, Africa. Robertson had diamond mining investments protected by Sese Seko.
Robertson said USA should assassinate Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez. Chavez wanted to collect back taxes owed to Venezuela by Pat Robertson and American corporations who had oil and land investments there.
Robertson was against ending the racist Apartheid regime in South Africa, as Robertson had investments there.
Right wing Christianity sustains Dark Age myths that justify oppression of women, blocking their access to birth control, abortion, equal pay, and equal rights status throughout society and those Dark Age myths are used to justify denial of equal rights throughout society for gays.
Rush Limbaugh,
The progenitor of the fascism of right wing Republicans and Foxnews.
Sly language usage to insinuate racism, promoting conspiracy theories, lies and right wing revision of history, homophobia and misogynist language and defense of corporate dictatorship were the trademark of Limbaugh and now the American Republican Party, Foxnews and other right wing media.
FULGENCIO BATISTA, Cuba, 1933 - 1959
Batista was the dictator, the American Mafia and American government were the support system. Batista led a military coup in 1933 and ruled behind the scenes as a series of puppet leaders gave the facade of government. American Mafia gangster Meyer Lansky was a friend of Batista and brought Mafia expertise to running the gambling houses of Havana.
"Latin Las Vegas", Havana became saturated with Mafia gambling and illegal drug running operations. A Mafia summit was held in Havana to coincide with the singing debut of Frank Sinatra. In attendance were Mafia bosses, Frank Costello, Vito Genovese, Santo Trafficante jr., Moe Dalitz and others.
Various people in opposition to Batista from governmental personal to student protesters, and labor leaders were murdered. Student leader Antonio Guiteras in 1935, Jose Echeverria, in March 1957, and Frank Pais are just a few of the dissident voices to the dictatorship of Batista that were murdered.
Batista took over the government himself in March 10, 1952. USA President Eisenhower formally recognized the Batista government on March 27, 1952. Shortly thereafter, Batista suspended the Constitution as well as the right of workers to go on strike. Batista skimmed governmental monies meant for education, public health and Cuba's infrastructure as well as getting a percentage of the profits from the Mafia gambling and prostitution houses. By 1955, student riots and anti-Batista demonstrations were growing in frequency.
Fidel Castro led a revolution that drove Batista and the Mafia out of Cuba in 1959. Castro took over US oil refineries angering the US government of Eisenhower. Eisenhower gave CIA approval to develop and train a Cuban force that would make an amphibious landing on Cuba and overthrow Castro.
In 1960, John Kennedy became US President and inherited the Cuban invasion plan. At the Bay of Pigs in Cuba, the invasion began with US ships carrying and unloading the anti-Castro forces into landing craft , Kennedy, seeing correctly that the small disorganized force would be defeated, withdrew the use of US military air support and the invaders were easily crushed by the Castro forces.
For conspiracy thinkers to the assassination of Kennedy in 1963, the Bay of Pigs incident is a prominent part of the puzzle. Kennedy by not supporting the Bay of Pigs, angered not only the anti-Castro Cubans now living in the USA but also the Mafia, who by not getting back Cuba, were cut off from millions of dollars in gambling and drug profits. It is said that Jack Ruby, the killer of suspected Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, was a Mafia figure and owed the Mafia thousands of dollars in gambling debts some of which were incurred in Havana.
Castro's Cuba poses very little threat. It is not correct that while the USA trades openly with a very human rights repressive China, the USA maintains a trade blockade on the small island of Cuba.
ANATASY SAMOZA, Nicaragua, 1940s-1979
This dictator's family ruled Nicaragua for 30 years. Various USA Presidents supported this and other dictators throughout Latin and South American in the 20th Century. In return the USA got great deals on access to natural resources and cheap labor costs. 1 to 10% of the population would control all the land.
The vast majority of the population were poor peasants, who were suppressed by the violent police and military under the control of dictators like Samoza.
US President Carter changed US foreign policy, when he ordered that military supplies would not be given to countries with brutal Human Rights records.
Nicaragua and Guatemala were among the first countries dropped from military shipments.
In 1979, Samoza was overthrown by a people’s revolution.
In 1980, Ron Reagan became US President. He revoked the policy of Carter and resumed shipments to Guatemala. Against the laws of the US Congress, Reagan set up an illegal military supply line to former members of Samoza's death squads who were trying to reinstate the repressive rule of the wealthy in collusion with the military. The Iran-Contra affair involved Reagan importing thousands of kilos cocaine into the USA.
In 1954, US President Eisenhower ordered the overthrow of the elected government of Jacobo Arbenz by the CIA. A US corporation, the United Fruit Company had requested the action. United Fruit Company changed its name to Chiquita.
Arbenz had begun a policy to try and get more access of the peasantry to education, health care and land. Large land owners used the peasants as near slave labor in the operation of their plantations. Arbenz sought to redistribute some of the land to the peasants. As is common throughout Latin and South America, the land was owned by a very small wealthy elite.
Arbenz sought to bring equity to the situation. The United Fruit Company complained such action would impede their profits and Eisenhower ordered Arbenz overthrown. The military took over. Violently they set about driving peasants off their land, destroying their farm operations so as to drive them back to work for the wealthy landowners. A small resistance group arose against the USA imposed military junta. Thousands were killed during the civil war.
The Human Rights abuses by the junta were so brutal and flagrant that eventually the US under President Carter, suspended military equipment shipments.
US President Reagan restarted the shipments in 1981 and the brutal murders resumed.
Bishop Juan Gerardi was murdered on April 23, 1998. He had just released an independent study showing that the Guatemalan military was responsible for over 80% of the death and "disappearances" during the civil war from 1954 to the cease fire in 1997. Captain Byron Lima Oliva and his father Colonel Byron Lima Estrada are implicated in the murder.
Another report released in February 1999 by the Historical Clarification Commission blames the military for more than 90% of the estimated 200,000 people killed in the civil war. It states that the "United States gave money and military training to a Guatemalan military that committed "acts of genocide" against the country's Mayan people."
A further statement in the report, " Believing that the ends justified everything, the military and the state security forces blindly pursued the anti-communist struggle, without respect for any legal principles or the most elemental ethical and religious values, and in this way completely lost any semblance of human morals..."
VIETNAM WAR, 1948-1975,
Here is another hypocrisy of America. The Vietnamese people sought to throw out the French and take back control of their country. By America’s history of throwing out the British to establish the USA, America should have supported the Vietnamese.
Repeatedly, America was preaching how it was based on freedoms and civil rights while at the same time creating and supporting dictators that crushed freedoms and civil rights.
The French controlled and exploited the resources of Vietnam until after World War 2. They were driven out by the Vietnamese people led by Ho Chi Minh. When the French tried to retake the territory, USA President Harry Truman secretly funded their war effort.
The French were defeated. US president Eisenhower stuck his nose into the Geneva peace talks. He inserted the dividing of Vietnam into a North and South division with Ho Chi Minh controlling the North and US supported Dictator Ngo Dinh Diem ruling the South.
The caveat of the division was that after a few years the North and South would have open elections and the election decision would reunite the two sections of Vietnam.
Eisenhower never intended to allow the elections to happen.
In late 1950s Diem called off participation in the elections mandated by the 1954 Geneva Peace accords. US President Eisenhower, publicly supported Diem and the US sent foreign aid and military assistance to Diem. Justifiably, a Civil War against Diem erupted.
Inheriting the mess of Eisenhower, US President Kennedy sent US advisors to train the South Vietnamese forces. By spring 1963, USA had 16,000 advisers in Vietnam. In May 1963, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara directed General Harkins to prepare a plan for phasing out US troops beginning with 1,000 men by the years end.
On October 2, President Kennedy agreed with the plan to withdraw.
In August 1963, Diem had cracked down on religious freedom and had his brother Ngu's private drug trafficking police force attack Buddhist monks.
Diem was becoming more repressive and chaotic. The US/CIA had Diem assassinated, and installed a string of US supported incompetent leaders. Just weeks after the assassination of Diem, President Kennedy was also assassinated in Dallas Texas on November 22, 1963. Lyndon Johnson became President.
A military study done in 1964, The Pentagon Papers, reviewed the way the war was being carried out and found that the war was unwinnable. This report was hidden from the American public.
In 1964, US President Johnson fabricated a military incident off the coast of Vietnam near the Gulf of Tonkin to pass through Congress the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution of 1964. This gave him the power to use US military troops without a formal declaration of war, and with minimal constraints from the US Congress. He raised US troop levels to 500,000. Still the war effort was failing.
In March 1968, US Marines massacred 400 Vietnamese civilians mostly women, children, and old men in the village of My Lai. Events such as My Lai and the illegality of the US intervention in Vietnam created antiwar demonstrations in the USA.
In 1970, US President Nixon invaded Cambodia and waged an illegal bombing campaign in Cambodia.
On May 4, 1970, National Guard troops opened fire on anti-war student demonstrators at Kent State College in Ohio, killing 4 students. Antiwar riots raged across the USA.
In 1968, before being elected President, Nixon committed Treason with the help of Henry Kissinger, by sabotaging the peace efforts of Vice President Humphrey and President Johnson, promising to USA's South Vietnamese puppet dictator Nguyen Van Thieu, that Nixon's Republican Party could get Thieu a better deal. The Johnson peace initiative collapsed, which aided Nixon getting elected. He then stretched out the war four more years, and 20,000 American dead, and unknown how many Vietnamese dead. The final peace accords signed were almost identical to the 1968 arrangement.
Laos, a small country in Southeast Asia, had a secret war going on run by US forces this whole time. The US negotiated support from the Laotian tribes by buying their Opium crops and sending them back illicitly to the USA.
Finally, in 1973, the USA signed peace accords and pulled out of Vietnam. South Vietnam collapsed in defeat in April 1975. 300,000 US troops wounded, 58,000 killed. Estimated 2 million Vietnamese killed, 4 million wounded.
Such brutal military actions as Vietnam were a trademark of this century. US, China, European countries violently trying to control less militarily developed countries in order to get their cheap natural resources and divide the world between the USA and U.S.S.R.
The U.S.S.R., had a similar dismal war failure in Afghanistan just a few years after the US was defeated in Vietnam. US Presidents Carter and then Reagan had the CIA fund rebels who wanted to overthrow the USSR supported Afghanistan government. These rebels included the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.
Yes, it was overlooked in the propaganda movie, Charlie Wilson's War. The US gave billions in aid to Osama bin Laden, and the Taliban.(2023)
The USSR went into Afghanistan in 1979. In 1989, they retreated in defeat and the USSR collapsed.
As things are going now, the US faces a similar fate in Afghanistan (written in 1999).
POL POT, Cambodia, 1970's- 1998
No list of psychopaths of the 20th Century could be complete without including this monster. Modeling his policies after what he saw Mao Tse Tung do in China, Pol Pot truly destroyed Cambodia. It is estimated that one in three Cambodians were murdered or imprisoned during the reign of Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge party. This was truly a nightmare existence made real by this psychopath.
All educated professionals, doctors, lawyers, teachers from children grades through university level, public administrators, were nearly completely exterminated. Of the 545 judges in the country in 1975, all but 4 died. Of approximately 800 doctors only about 40 survived. The recovery from this terror will take generations.
Major assistants to Pol Pot were Ieng Sary, Son Sen and "brother #2" Nuon Chea. Nuon Chea was the chief of the Security Committee which ran the mass killing operations.
The illegal bombing campaign in Cambodia ordered by President Nixon in the early 1970's, and the United States giving of monetary and military assistance to the Khmer Rouge so that they would be a buffer against the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War aided the rise of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge.
ADOLPH HITLER, Germany, 1920s-1945
The maniac by which all psychopaths are measured. His brutality and slaughter of ethnic groups and dissidents was horrific. His justifications were evil. Millions died to his vision of racial superiority. His programs of slaughter, that claimed 6 million victims, killed by slave labor, torture, murder, burning victims bodies in ovens or killing them in poison gas chambers remains one of the 20th centuries worst episodes.
Let's remember that Christians had been brutalizing Jews for over 1,000 years before the Nazis showed up. Nazis only unleashed and expanded the anti-Antisemitism that filled Europe.
17 million soldiers and 20 million civilians died in World War 2 to stop the German, Japanese, and Italian forces of brutality.
It is particularly disturbing that a whole country of Germany marched to war for his philosophy and carried out the atrocities in his name. Humans show their worst face following the Nazi philosophy of Hitler and Hitler himself remains one of the worst human beings throughout history.
It would seem to be appropriate that worldwide, Nazi is an illegal organization and denied political, governmental access and those people that are Nazis would justifiably always be legally deemed to be criminals.
MAO TSE TUNG, China, 1930s- 1976
From the late 1800s to the early 20th Century, China was pillaged by European countries. The British forced a trade in Opium and subsequently other products. The Europeans ravaged what they could from China and abused the citizens. The Chinese government was a puppet to the interests of the Europeans. There was famine and starvation from the neglect and mismanagement of the government. Throughout the world where European countries had conquered countries, stripping them of their natural resources and neglecting the people, revolutions were inevitable.
When Mao took over, he unleashed a furious and violent re-education of China. Political murders , forced labor camps, secret police, and a cultural genocide called the "cultural revolution" were the terror legacy of Mao. Millions were killed and tortured.
In one episode, he pushed for a great surge in steel production. People were pulled from farms, nearly every back yard had a iron ore smelting operation, but the metal produced was useless and the neglect of the farm harvest caused a nation wide famine that killed 30 million people. It was after this failure that he unleashed the "cultural Revolution" that effectively killed off people who had criticized the steel production effort.
His policy of denial of freedoms of expression, news media, human rights, enforced by secret police and the laws of China are still in place today.
Deng Xiaoping, continued the example of Mao with the slaughter of student demonstrators in Tienneman Square in 1989. Li Peng carried out the order for the military to destroy the demonstration. Thousands were killed. In the official Chinese government statement, the incident did not happen.
In 1956, Mao ordered the invasion of Tibet and murdered and tortured thousands of Buddhist monks, nuns and citizens opposed to Chinese invasion. Monasteries and whole towns were destroyed. Joseph Campbell, in his book, Oriental Mythology, chronicles eye witness accounts of the murder and torture done by the Chinese against the Tibetans. The Chinese have recently unleashed another effort to force Atheism upon the Tibetans in an effort to break their cultural identity.
In 1999, China kidnapped a reincarnate child of the Buddhist religion, who had been recognized by the Dalai Lama, and manipulated another reincarnate to appear who the Chinese said was valid. The first child has disappeared. The second created incarnate has been taken to China for indoctrination.
In 1999, as the Chinese signed an international treaty on Human Rights, they were carrying out arrests and sending to prison Chinese citizens who were demanding that China implement the rules of the treaty.
One of the monsters of the era. Millions of Russians died in forced labor camps, prisons, from torture, and murder during the rule of this monster. His brutality is as extreme as Hitlers. It is estimated that between 40 to 100 million Russians died due to the "terror" years of Stalin.
He unleashed a secret police that thoroughly penetrated Russian life. The control of thought and expression was the maniacal trademark of Russia and of the era. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and others all instituted vast secret police systems that hunted down any form of dissent to the dictator. All dictators must resort to violence to maintain such control, and all must lie about the violence and the efforts at control. As with Hitler, it is disturbing how many Russians did the murderous bidding of Stalin.
Stalin set the pattern that was to follow through subsequent leaders of Russia till Gorbechov in the 1980s. Almost all governments that have called themselves communist have followed Stalin's repressive practices and as such strayed away from communism as based upon the writings of Marx and Engels. The writings of Russian author Solzenhitzen document the suffocating, ludicrous, terrorism of Stalin and subsequent leaders of Russia.
Military forces controlling citizenry is a state of abuse and repression. These two countries suffered from military rule for years. Murder, torture, and "disappearance" of people terrorized the country. "Disappearance” became a new word for the era as people vanished from being in police custody. Political and personal freedoms were severely restricted.
As an example of the brutality practiced by these forces: In Argentina, former military junta members Admiral Emilio Massera and General Jorge Videla have been arrested in the junta's practice of holding pregnant political prisoners till they gave birth, then killing the mothers and turning the babies over to members of the "security" forces.
As in Chile, Guatemala, Brazil, Paraguay, and other countries who suffered under USA sponsored military dictatorships, the stories from the survivors of the torture are being printed to hopefully drive the people who ordered and carried out such actions to be brought to justice.
SHAH OF IRAN, IRAN, 1953-1979,
1953- When Oil company interests complained to US President Eisenhower of the desire of the Iranians to control the oil production in their country, Eisenhower ordered the CIA to bring down the government of Iran.
This carried out by the CIA, the former King, the Shah was reinstalled as head of the government. The CIA created, and trained a police force, the SAVAK, who tortured and killed any opposition to the Shah. An estimated 100,000 people were killed, tortured, driven into exile by the SAVAK. Iran during this time had one of the worst human rights abuse records.
In 1979, the Iranian people overthrew the Shah. Looking for the names of CIA and SAVAK operatives, the revolutionaries stormed the US embassy in Tehran and took Americans hostages. The new leader of the government, Ayatollah Komeini, said the USA was, "The great Satan, the great Hypocrite" for what it did in Iran.
When the Shah was overthrown, he did what other dictators on these pages did or attempted to do, he tried to come to the USA. As with Marcos, Samosa, and henchmen in the military of these dictators they were only coming to where they had been getting money and military support from.
Emperor Horohito did not rule Japan. Control of the government had been taken over by the military. These militarists moved Japan to war with China, South East Asia, and America. The military committed numerous atrocities during the war years.
In 1942, there are accounts of Japanese releasing bubonic plague against the Chinese at the town of Congshen. Japanese military doctors, advertising themselves as available to give treatment to Chinese suffering from effects of the germ warfare attack, actually carried out bizarre medical experiments reminiscent of Nazi doctors in the concentration camps of Europe. Other forms of chemical warfare were released against the Chinese population. Japan continues to deny such allegations and Japanese schools do not teach about the tortures unleashed by the Japanese during World War 2.
One of the worst cases of brutality and most denied by the Japanese, was the ridiculous slaughter done to the inhabitants of Nanking, China. In 1937, Japanese troops invaded the city of NanKing and murdered 300,000 citizens. Killing games of setting groups of people on fire with gasoline, mass drowning, and other means of barbarian killing are documented from survivors, and from photographs taken by the Japanese themselves.
In 1962, the military overthrew the elected civilian government. Since then the Burmese have suffered through a succession of military coups and dictatorships. General Ne Win lead the initial coup and junta. Though he is "retired", he is believed to wield considerable influence.
Economically incompetent and corrupt, the military has destroyed the wealth of the country, filtering funds to their own private accounts and dealing with heroin drug traffickers. The judiciary is under the control of the military so trials of dissidents are rigged to the military's aims. Rape and murder, arbitrary arrest, forced work as "porters" for the military (usually amounting to a death sentence), are common means to terrorize the people.
Opposition leader and Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi was held under house arrest for years. Her personal secretary, U Win Htein was arrested in 1996 and sentenced to a total of 14 years in prison. Her associate Leo Nichols was arrested and given a 3 year sentence. He suffered a "cerebral hemorrhage" while in police custody and died.
In 2002, succumbing to international pressure, the Junta has released Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest. Then again, the junta limited her freedoms and her political activity. She was re-arrested and put under house arrest where she lives today.
Recently, 2008, Buddhist monks organized and led demonstrations against the Junta which were brutally suppressed by the Myanmar military. Thousands were imprisoned, killed, disappeared. The Junta cut off all internet, cell phone, connections throughout the country and a complete news blackout shut off information on the repercussions that the Junta inflicted upon the people.
Then a severe cyclone tore through Myanmar, and true to their psychopathic dictatorship, the Junta denied and then restricted international aid shipments to enter the country.
From the destruction of society caused by the European invasion of Africa from the 1800's to the early 20th Century,and continuing thorough the leaders who have ruled since the liberation from European control, few countries have been free from tyranny. To list the tyrants of Africa is to name nearly country of Africa. Here is just a sample.
King Leopold, Belgium 1880's to 1920's
Little Belgium, under the rule of the despotic rule of King Leopold, joined in with the rest of Europe in conquering parts of Africa and brutally ravaging it for its economic riches.
Belgium claimed a large section of central Africa and named it the Belgium Congo. Europeans forced the native Africans into forced labor to supply the Europeans with rubber that was collected from the sap of the "rubber" trees. If the quotas were not met, their hands were cut off. If the quotas were still not met, and the quotas were exorbitant, people were murdered. Whole tribes were decimated by this brutality. Survivors fled into the interior Africa to escape the marauding armed enforcers of the Europeans.
The rubber generated murders were only stopped when a synthetic process was discovered instead of using the sap from the trees in the Congo. By then vast tracts of the African country were destroyed by killing of the rubber trees and untold thousands of Africans had been murdered.
King Leopold was well aware of this practice and tried to suppress the revelations of it from reaching the European press. In Belgium, Leopold created extravagant palaces and gardens from the riches of this murder.
All European countries had similar fiefdoms they had captured by force around the world. And all of them in similar ways forced the local populations into forced labor to serve the European economies. This colonialism ravaged the world until the World Wars 1 and 2 weakened the Europeans enough so the people could overthrew the European control.
APARTHEID GOVERNMENT, S. Africa, 1800s- 1990
Using a racist philosophy called Apartheid, European settlers brutally suppressed the majority native African population for years. Torture and assassination of dissenters, as well as economic limitations were the methods of dominance. The native Africans were kept from access to education, health care and control of business operations. They were not allowed to vote and were physically segregated from the Europeans.
A system of paramilitary assassins as well as the police force routinely harassed, beat and killed the African population to keep them from organizing effective resistance to the Apartheid government.
P.W. Botha was the ruler during a particularly bloody period between 1984 - 1990. Civil disobedience did continue and foreign governments put economic sanctions on S. Africa that finally collapsed the government and the apartheid system.
The USA under Reagan did not join in the boycott. Reagan said the boycott would hurt the US economy. The Israeli's sent the Apartheid government military weaponry during the boycott.
Historically, Apartheid remains an example as one of the most brutal and ignorant philosophies of population and economic terrorism of the century.
IDI AMIN, Uganda, Africa, 1971
Idi Amin took power in a military coup in 1971. He is estimated to be responsible for the murders of 300,000 Ugandans. His atrocities include cannibalism and throwing victims from the roof of his palace. After fleeing Uganda to escape from another military coup, he lived for years and recently died in exile in Saudi Arabia.
He is being tried in absentia for genocide and crimes against humanity for his actions in Ethiopia. He fled to Zimbabwe in 1991 and continues to live there.
HUTU - TUTSI, Rwanda, 1994
These two tribes were involved in numerous bloody attacks on each other throughout the 20th century. Tribal affiliation became political divisions. In 1994, Hutus went on a rampage of killing Tutsis. In only a 10 week period, at least 500,000 Tutsis were killed.
Sam Doe, Charles Taylor, Liberia
Military officer Samuel Doe overthrew the previous government in a military coup. He had an eight grade level education. Reagan gave him $50 million after overthrowing the government. America wanted access to Liberia's natural resources including Uranium.
Charles Taylor then overthrew Doe and killed him. Taylor professed himself a Christian and American Rev. Pat Robertson set a deal for gold with the dictator.
Taylor was put on trial for war crimes in the Hague for his brutality. Charles Taylor's son, Chuckie, was found guilty of torture. He was the leader of a paramilitary force the Demon Forces who raped and murdered the populace. (2023)
After serving the Constitutional limit of two terms, Marcos imposed martial law on the Philippines in 1972. He took control of independent newspapers and locked up opposition politicians. A murderous dictator, who took vast sums of money from the Philippine treasury.
His regime was propped up by the USA sending massive amounts of military equipment and money. In exchange the USA got land for military depots and airfields. Such airfields were a major base for supplying troops during the Vietnam War.
The usual secret police, and military collusion to his rule were in operation when, in 1983, he ordered the murder of opposition leader Benigno Aquino. This flagrant act, carried out in broad daylight at the national airport when Aquino arrived back in the Philippines from exile, sparked the peoples revolution that finally drove him from power.
Marcos fled to his source of military and foreign aid, the USA, and died there in 1989. In 1998, His wife, Imelda, was convicted in the Philippine courts for her part in the multi-million dollar robbery of the treasury.
This General has been selected from the crowd of arrogant incompetents on all sides of the first World War. In this major war of the century, the generals were locked into a stupidity of strategy that is appalling. Essentially an 1800's tactic of massive charges of men against the opposition forces. In World War 1, this meant massive charges of men against machine guns and high powered cannon. The slaughter was absurd and ignorant.
In 1916 at the battle of the Somme, after 5 days of shelling the German lines, British General Haig sent 100,000 troops to charge the Germans. The Germans, using machine guns tore the British troops apart. In that one day, the British lost 22,000 killed, 40,000 wounded.
French General Nivelle, is the example of the strategy repeated again and again during the war years. In 1917, Nivelle convinced the French command that he had a plan to break the trench war deadlock and break through the German lines. But it was essentially the same plan of failure that had been tried before. 60,000 men died in the attack. But that was just in the first days, Nivelle forced the attack for a total of 12 days until 250,000 French casualties bled the attack to collapse.
It is difficult to read the history of World War 1. The governments were so pompous and antiquated. Foreign policy so arcane that the murder of a prince in Serbia could lead to the death of millions. In all nearly 10 million soldiers and civilians died. 1million French casualties in just the first year of the war.
The reverberations from this absurd action continued through the century. The ignorant, repressive peace treaty of 1918 would needlessly punish Germany and due to the economic hardship it caused, give rise to one of the centuries worst psychopaths, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party.
All war is failure.
Leader of the Serb push for independence after the fall of Russia in 1989. Milosevic troops carried out a campaign of "ethnic cleansing". A genocide against the Muslim and Croat populations of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mass rape, torture and murder are the legacy of this ruler.
Zeljko Raznativic, a Milosevic protege, heads one group of rabid extremist troops who carried out the genocide murders. Frontline, the American News Program, puts Milosevic as ordering and supervising the slaughter of over 200,000 civilians. The attacks against the Croat population stem from a Serbia claim to repay the Croats for working with the Nazis during World War 2, 50 years previous.
Milosevic was the leader of the Serbs and head of Yugoslavia. He lead a repressive police action against Kosovo, a part of Yugoslavia that has a majority population of Albanian descent who seek independence from the Serbs and Yugoslavia. NATO forces attacked Milosevic and Yugoslavia. Yugoslavian and Serbian forces retreated from Kosovo and the NATO forces occupying Kosovo are finding numerous instances of slaughter of the civilian population by the Yugoslavian and Serb military.
Milosevic died in custody during his trial for war crimes.
TALIBAN, Afghanistan, 1998-
The Taliban are religious extremists that controlled Afghanistan. They instituted severe repressive laws against their own people in the name of religious fervor to Islam.
In previous Islamic governments, women could hold jobs, own and inherit property and dress without the Islamic headdress that covers the hair on the head. All of this has been undone by the Taliban.
A house that has a woman in it must have the windows where her rooms are located painted black. A woman can not appear with men that are not of her family. She must be covered in robes that completely hide her from view from head to toe. She must wear shoes that make no sound as she walks. She must not speak to a man that is not her husband, family member or without a family member escort present. She can not get an education. She cannot inherit property and needless to say, have any activity in politics.
Where in the Koran does it state that this type of behavior is required of women? Men also faced severe reprimand. All men were given 45 days to grow a beard or be executed- that’s right executed for not having a beard! Restrictions on people due to their race, sex, or religion are the legacy of the unintelligent from the last millennium.
In 1978, US President Carter had the CIA fund rebels who wanted to overthrow the USSR supported Afghanistan government. These rebels included the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.
Carter's efforts may have been a payback for Russia supporting the N. Vietnamese during the Vietnam War.
The U.S.S.R., in 1980's, suffered a dismal war failure in Afghanistan. When the defeated Russians left Afghanistan, so did the US. This left a chaos of various tribal clans to fight over control of Afghanistan. The Taliban emerged in control of most of the country.
It is interesting to note: the USSR entered Afghanistan in 1979 – after a dismal guerrilla war, where Carter and then Reagan funded the Taliban, Osama, and other resistance groups, the Russians left Afghanistan in 1989. Look what happened to the USSR in 1989, it collapsed. The way things are going, the USA faces a similar fate in Afghanistan.
The propaganda movie, Charlie Wilson’s War, fails to mention that the people the US were covertly sending money, military equipment, and training were Osama bin Laden, and the Taliban.
A few months before the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade towers in New York, the US gave the Taliban a $40 million reward for their anti-drug trafficking efforts. Afghanistan is a major supplier of opium for the heroin trade. The Taliban, in their usual extremist way, murdered or cut off the hands of drug users.
SADDAM HUSSEIN, Iraq, 1980s-
If Saddam Hussein was such a threat, why did European and USA governments send so much military assistance to him? Throughout the early 1980s, the USA administration of Reagan and Bush and the European governments sent equipment and technologies for chemical warfare to Hussein even knowing that he was a murdering dictator.
President Reagan sent "bacteria/fungi/protozoa" to Saddam Hussein in early 1980's. This material could be used to make biological weapons including Anthrax. Reagan allowed military equipment to be sent to Saddam, including tanks, helicopters, and landmines. - Newsweek, magazine September 23, 2002.
During the Iran-Iraq War, US President Reagan ordered US military to give logistic and targeting assistance to the Iraqi forces. Even though it was known that the Iraqis were using chemical weapons against the Iranians. It is against US law to assist in or use chemical weapons warfare. - New York Times, August 18, 2002.
Saddam Hussein was a despot and has earned his place in this list. He murdered members of political opposition as well as members of his own family. He attacked a minority population of Iraq, the Kurds, with chemical weapons that were produced with US assistance. He used chemical weapons in the war with Iran. Indifferent to world environmental concerns, he set fire to oil wells in Kuwait when retreating from that war zone. Check out Eisenhower for USA roots to Iran and Iraq.
Hussein was tried and convicted for war crimes in Iraq and was killed by hanging.
DUVALIERS, Haiti, 1957-1986
This poor country suffered under the family dictatorship of "Papa Doc" and "Baby Doc" Duvalier. With reasonable economic management this Caribbean island could have been a moderately successful country. But the Duvalier family plundered the wealth of the island and reduced the population to one of the poorest in the hemisphere.
The country is divided between a small cliche of wealthy people who are essentially above the control of law and the majority of the population who are desperately poor.
A private army of thugs, police and the military brutalized the citizens during the Duvalier rule. The USA through its secret intelligence agency the CIA supported the Duvaliers, even when it was known that officers in the military were engaged in illegal drug trafficking. In a military coup,"Baby Doc" fled Haiti and resides in Europe.
In 1990, Jean Bertrand Aristide became president. As he made progress in basic services, health and education he became a threat to the wealthy Haitians and the CIA backed military.
In 1991, a military coupe overthrew Aristide who fled the country. The military junta dictatorship was brutal and bloody. Over 4,000 supporters of Aristide were killed during the 3 years of military rule.
In 1994 the military grudgingly was moved aside and Aristide was returned. Negotiations for accepting the return of Aristide by the military kept Aristide's length of tenure in office short. They were and still are fearful of the popular success of a such a leader. A leader who would bring needed reforms to the Haitian government would inevitably mean hindering the excesses of the rich and reduce the moneys of the military.
The recent overthrow of Aristide was organized by members of the military junta that drove him out of power previously. Aristide has claimed that the USA assisted in his forced removal from office.
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